5 Things You Need To Know About Money While Waiting For Your Next Get-Rich-Quick Scheme

Jennifer Thompson
Published in
5 min readMay 4, 2022


Source: Canva

So, you missed the crypto train? Don’t fret. The jury is still out as to where that train is heading. I am sure there will always be another ‘gold rush” — or ‘opportunity of a lifetime.” Something different yet still the same.

But, if you’ve missed the last ‘opportunity,’ here are five time-tested, proven ways to build real wealth, much like billionaire financier Warren Buffet. The kind of wealth that is not fleeting that you can pass on for generations to come.

1. Enjoy Today And Plan For Tomorrow

Write a list of your three, five, and ten-year financial goals. It could be to pay off debt, put a down payment on a new home or launch a business. Decide when you’d like to accomplish these.

A study by the Harvard School of Business found that you have a higher chance of achieving your goals if you write them down. So, ensure you write your goals down. And create a plan for how you’re going to achieve those goals.

2. If You Can’t Pay For It, Don’t Get It.

Carrying debt robs you of a stable financial future. Almost half of Americans have a balance on their credit card. If money provides you with freedom, debt restricts your…

